Mike Hutjens, professor emeritus at the University of Illinois, and Mike Rankin, managing editor of Hay and Forage Grower, present “A feed and forage outlook for the year ahead.” Areas of drought, derecho...
“A crop and feed outlook for the months ahead” reviewed forage quality and variation due to weather and other growing season challenges. It was presented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois, and Mike...
Jim Salfer, a dairy educator from University of Minnesota Extension will present “Feeding and management for robotic milking system success” on Monday, August 10 at noon (Central time). Achieving high...
University of Illinois’ Mike Hutjens will present “An update on Feed Additives with a B Vitamin Focus” on Monday, April 13, at noon (Central time). The discussion will include economic considerations,...
The feeding behavior patterns of dairy cattle are known to impact health, productivity, and welfare. Trevor DeVries, University of Guelph, will discuss how the way we feed, house, and manage calves impacts...